WEEK TWELVE: Interior Cabinetry Begins, Shower Pan Pitting & Work Flow
Work this week has been a bit diverse. I received a 3-part video tutorial on the construction of my ceiling (check it out here),...
TUTORIAL: Mobiltec & Trailer Construction
The past couple of weeks I’ve been chatting with someone who knows a whole lot more about trailer construction than I do – a guy out in...
WEEK ELEVEN: Flooring Woes
In an effort to move forward with some interior framing I've been investigating flooring materials this week, though it's been a bit...
WEEK TEN: Roof Insights, Interior Veneer and New Wings
This week slowed down a little. I wanted to step back/evaluate upon closing in on exterior construction so I joined an online forum:...
TUTORIAL: DIY Shasta Wings
When I purchased my camper one of the missing components were the original Shasta wings. While it was unfortunate I figured of all the...
WEEK NINE: Side Wall Insulation, End Wall Framing & Pause/Reflect
It’s been rainy off and on here so the camper spent much of its time tightly-tarped. I’ve been piecing in the insulation (3/4” DOW...